Pi + Pitch + Party = JAM
TechMGM sponsors with it’s participating hosts an exciting opportunity for students to use their creativity and technical skills to develop a system using the latest Raspberry Pi. Each student team will have an opportunity to pitch their system to a panel of judges and the highest scoring team will win a classroom set of Raspberry Pis for their school! All Montgomery County high schools are welcome to participate and each student team will be assigned a technical mentor to assist them in developing their system. Only one team per school may register and you must register by Tuesday, November 13th at 4PM to receive your Raspberry Pi on Friday, November 16th. Each team will pitch their system on Friday, December 7th at a blowout Raspberry Pi Pitch Party, which kicks off at 5PM at the new state of the art MGMWERX facility located at 41 Commerce St. A panel of judges from across the tech community will evaluate each of the pitches.

Each student team must develop a solution to a problem (any problem you can think of) with a Raspberry Pi using Bluetooth technology as an enabler. You must pitch your solution in 3 mins using a MS Powerpoint Presentation with an embedded video of your system working before a panel of judges. The judges will evaluate your ability to meet the requirements of the presentation, creativity, innovation and professionalism.
- Montgomery County High School Students
- Only one team per high school may register
- No limit on team members per team
- Not every team member must be present for the presentation or must participate in the presentation
Rules of Engagement:
- Each team will be assigned a technical mentor from the local tech community
- Raspberry Pis will be delivered to each school team on Friday, November 16th
- Each team must develop a system using the provided Raspberry Pi to solve a problem using Bluetooth technology as an enabler (for example; scanner, touchscreen device, cloud system)
- Each team will have an opportunity to sign up for their presentation time (all times will be released on Sign Up Genius on Monday, December 3rd at 4PM)
- Each team must submit a presentation in MS Powerpoint format by Thursday, December 6th at 6PM to a provided dropbox
Each presentation must include the following:
- Team Name, School Name, Team Member Names
- Statement of the problem your system is solving
- Embedded video of the system in use; must demonstrate it’s functions and a team member MUST be in the video wearing article of clothing with your school name/logo on it
- State how the system would be implemented and where it could be used
- Explain a technical challenge your team encountered during development
- Explain how your team overcame the technical challenge(s)
- The presentation cannot exceed 3 mins in length (points will be deducted if your team goes over 3 mins)
- Judges will have 1 min to ask each team questions
- A total of 100 points will be given
- 20 points – How well did the team meet the items required in the presentations?
- 20 points – How well did the team clearly articulate their biggest technical challenge, and the resolution to the technical challenge?
- 20 points -How innovative was the system created?
- 20 points – How creative was the system and pitch?
- 20 points – How professional was the delivery of the pitch?
- 10 pts will be deducted for every 30 secs your team goes over 3 mins